Call For Papers
[CFP] FRHACK Call For Papers
FRHACK: By Hackers, For Hackers
+ Call For Papers
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[ - Introduction - ]
FRHACK is a CyberSecurity Conference, by hackers - for hackers
FRHACK is not commercial - but - highly technical.
Target Audience: Security Officers, Security Professionals and Product Vendors, IT Decision Makers, Policy Makers, Security-, Network-, and Firewall Administrators, Teachers, Academic Researchers and Software Developers. Hackers
FRHACK encourages speakers to present new and interesting projects and will give preferential treatment to submissions that have not been presented at other conferences.
Papers can be submitted in English or French.
The conference language is either English or French.
The conference aims to get together industry, government, academia and underground hackers to share knowledge and leading-edge ideas about cyber security and everything related to it.
FRHACK will feature national and international speakers and attendees with a wide range of skills.
The atmosphere is favorable to present all facets of computer security subject and will be a great opportunity to network with like-minded people and enthusiasts.
[ - The venue - ]
More information soon
[ - Topics - ]
Preference for lectures with practical demonstration. The conference staff will try to provide every equipment needed for the presentation in the case the author cannot provide them.
The following topics include, but are not limited to:
- Rootkits
- Cryptography
- Cloud Security
- Reverse engineering
- Penetration testing
- Web application security
- Exploit development techniques
- Internet, privacy and Big Brother
- Telecom security and phone phreaking
- Fuzzing and application security test
- Security in Wi-Fi and VoIP environments
- Information warfare and industrial espionage
- Denial of service attacks and/or countermeasures
- Analysis of virus, worms and all sorts of malwares
- Technical approach to alternative operating systems
- Techniques for development of secure software & systems
- Information about smartcard and RFID security and similars
- Lockpicking, trashing, physical security and urban exploration
- Hardware hacking, embedded systems and other electronic devices
- Mobile devices exploitation, Android, iOS, 3/4G and other technologies
- Security aspects in SCADA, industrial environments and "obscure" networks
[ - Important dates - ]
Conference and trainings
Save the dates!
FRHACK trainings
FRHACK conference
Please register to our RSS to stay tuned:
Deadline and submissions
- Deadline for proposal submissions: XXXXXXXX
- Notification of acceptance or rejection: XXXXXXXX
- Deadline for slides submissions: XXXXXXXX
* E-mail for proposal submissions: *
Make sure to provide along with your submission the following details:
- Speaker name or nickname, address, e-mail, phone number and general contact information
- A brief but informative description about your talk
- Short biography of the presenter, including organization, company and affiliations
- Estimated time-length of presentation
- General topic of the speech (e.g.: network security, secure programming, computer forensics, etc.)
- Any other technical requirements for your lecture
- Whether you need visa to enter Morocco or not
Speakers will be allocated 50 minutes of presentation time, although, if needed, we can extend the presentation length if requested in advance.
Speakers are asked to hand in slides used in their lectures.
PLEASE NOTE: Bear in mind no sales pitches will be allowed. If your presentation involves advertisement of products or services please do not submit.
[ - Information for speakers - ]
Please note that we are looking for sponsors to cover the organisation.
Speakers' privileges are:
- Accommodation
- Help covering travel expenses
- Free pass to the conference for you and a friend
- Speaker activities during, before, and after the conference
[ - Information for instructors - ]
- 50% of the net profit of the class
- Accommodation during the trainings
- Free pass to the conference
- Speaker activities during, before, and after the conference
[ - Information for sponsors - ]
- If you can provide or offer materials, devices, goodies and money, please contact us at:
[ - Other information - ]
- For further information please check out our web site https://frhack.org (and nowhere else)
It will be updated with everything regarding the conference.
- If you have questions, want to send us additional material, or have problems, feel free to contact us at: frhack @ frhack.org
Thanks and see you soon at FHRACK!